I hereby claim that: 1. I am Etaoin Wu . 2. I used to use the PGP key identified with fingerprint be937e485b6a9a91c81662aeaadadbd998244353 (available on pgp.surf.nl, keys.openpgp.org and other keyservers). 3. Starting from 2025 I will use the PGP key identified with fingerprint e92890319b42a0646ddb3b351145533998244353 (available on aforementioned keyservers). 4. My identity can be established by the following facts: - keys.openpgp.org verifies email when uploading keys; - This document is uploaded under my domain. 5. I have also published a revocation of the old key on the keyservers. This document is made no earlier than 2025-01-05 12:00:11 UTC, as ethereum block #21,558,136 is mined on this time, and has 9c858e9313192a5875a607460f62e4299f8d1be0a0bb5ee0a29adebe90cfc658 as its hash. This document is made no later than the same day UTC, as I will have archived a webpage containing this document on both Wayback Machine and Archive.today. A webpage that contains this document will be available on . A message will also be left on ethereum mainnet, containing the hash of this document in the form of transaction data. The trans- action's hash will be available on said webpage. I wish everyone a happy new year into 2025. Etaoin Wu 2025-01-05